Perinatal Mental Health
Did you know that PMHDs (perinatal mental health disorders) are the
#1 complication in pregnancy?
It is a special focus of ours to bring awareness to the prevalence of PMHDs, educate birthing persons about their risks and educate providers on identifying and treating PMHDs in the perinatal population.
Expecting a baby? Be sure to REGISTER for the Postpartum Support International Class: “Postpartum Planning for Expectant Parents”. Participants living in Region 8, who attend the class, will receive an incentive

What are PMHDs?
.While many new parents experience mild mood changes following the birth of their baby, 15%-20% of new parents experience more significant mental health concerns, which can impact their lives and postpartum experience.

Where can I go to get help?
If you need immediate help, please contact one of the national emergency services listed below. They are available all the time. It is very important that you reach out right now and find support and information you need to be safe. Here are some reliable resources to contact in a crisis:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline:
Call 988
Call for yourself or someone you care about. Free and confidential. Network of more than 140 crisis center nationwide, 24/7
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline:
Call or text 1-833-852-6262
Visit website
24/7, Free, confidential hotline for pregnant and postpartum parents. Interpreters available in 60 languages.

For Providers
PSI offers a perinatal psychiatric consult line for provider questions, a provider registry, and an annual PSI conference for professionals.