Advocacy Tools
For some, speaking up can be difficult. Feel free to use these tools to help you find your voice when you need to alert your provider of a health issue you feel is going on.
Health Education Resources in varying languages
Click below for multiple flyers in Arabic, including:
“Choosing a Healthcare Provider for your baby”
“Prenatal Care”
Multiple breastfeeding topics
“Cesarean Delivery”
“Safety with Car Seats and Booster Seats”
“When should I call my baby’s doctor?”
“Diabetes and Pregnancy”
Health problems in pregnancy
“Safe Sleep for your baby”
“High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy”
Multiple infant and newborn topics
Health education videos in Arabic will be added soon!
Haitian Creole
(Kreyol ayisyen)
Click below for multiple flyers in Haitian Creole, including:
“Choosing a Healthcare Provider for your baby”
“Prenatal Care”
Multiple breastfeeding topics
“Cesarean Delivery”
“Safety with Car Seats and Booster Seats”
“When should I call my baby’s doctor?”
“Diabetes and Pregnancy”
Health problems in pregnancy
“Safe Sleep for your baby”
“High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy”
Multiple infant and newborn topics